First Year


2D – Fog Effect
2D – 3D Effect
2D – Black and White Effect

October 2018

Brief: As a team of 5, produce a responce to a common theme around dreams in a 2D and 3D format.

Theme: trapped and restricted

2D response: A volunteer was wrapped in grey wool, representative of barbed wire, for a photoshoot. Three photos were edited into different effects – Fog, Black and White and 3D.

3D response: A model tunnel, propsing the journey visitors would take, if built to scale.

The journey would begin by entering a darkened corridor. Further along a Ghost would materialise on the door they’d have to push through. To leave the visitors would have toThey’d scramble through layers of netting to exit the tunnel, back into the day light.

Tunnel Interior – Ghost
Tunnel Exterieor

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