First Year

Greenpixel, 3D Greengrocers and Container Highstreet

January – April 2019 Kelham Island Brief: Speculate a highstreet design whcih positively effects the local community and economy. Design the highstreet using Shipping Containers and add your own design of a greengrocers into a unit. Highstreet 3 shipping containers make up a unit for each shop or business. The units are placed at 90 […]

Second Year

Spanish Pavilion Research

October 2019 Group research: create scale drawings and a model of The German Pavilion, Mies Van Der Rohe We decided to make our drawings and model very simple, as that was what the building was like. Model: Base – Card board, Walls and Roof – Card covered foam Board, Windows – Acetate (held by card […]

First Year

Rome Trip

March 2019, course trip to Rome, Italy Monday Arrived in Rome and had enough time in the evening to walk up the Spanish steps and see the sun setting over the roof tops. Tuesday Visited a few of traditional religious buildings including The Pantheon, The Vaticon. The Trevi Fountain To make a wish:Stand with your […]

First Year

Hoarding, 1 day charrette

One day Charrette as mixed year groups creating a 10 meter roll of biophillic design ideas for around the university.My group chose to design hoardings, a series of panels placed around a building site.We thought of panels with steps to a viewing platform and featuring children’s drawings.This is my sketch model of a panel with […]

First Year


October 2018 Brief: As a team of 5, produce a responce to a common theme around dreams in a 2D and 3D format. Theme: trapped and restricted 2D response: A volunteer was wrapped in grey wool, representative of barbed wire, for a photoshoot. Three photos were edited into different effects – Fog, Black and White […]